Absence, Overtime, Leave, Outdoor Duty Calculation
Check-in/Check-out registration using Smart Phone and Bio-metric Devices
Varied of Working Calendar(Shift)
Stay Informed!
Daily Performance Audit
Neither Light nor Heavy!
Selected Feature for growing teams! Ideal for SMEs, Startups, and Agile Teams.
Integration With Bio-metric TA Devices
Register Check-in/Check-out using Hardware, Calculate personnel performance using Atency
Fly in the Clouds!
Short Path, From Decision to Launch
Also Possible With Smartphone
Register Check-in/Check-out using Smartphone, Solution to Manage the Costs
Application Download
Atency | Cloud Time Attendance System
Tehran office:
No. 17, 9th Alley, Hassan Saif Street, Farahzadi Boulevard, Industry Square
24/7 Support
Isfahan office:
No1. farhang st. Sohrevardi sq, isfahan, iran
All rights reserved